
CTT – Correios de Portugal has once again recorded a top performance worldwide in the two sustainability rankings in which it participates: the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the Sustainability Measurement and Management System (SMMS) of the IPC - International Post Corporation.

In 2024, the company obtained a Leadership score, with an A- rating, in the Climate Change category in the CDP ranking, a global non-profit organization that manages the main independent system for disclosing environmental performance at a global level and empowers investors, companies, cities and governments to make decisions considering sustainability.

In the IPC SMMS ranking, CTT maintained 5th place in a group of 23 postal operators worldwide.

The programme aims to address the sustainability objectives of the postal sector by the end of the decade, focusing on seven categories of intervention: health and safety, training, resource efficiency, climate change, air quality, circular economy and sustainable procurement. CTT's performance was highlighted by the use of energy from renewable sources for 100% of its electricity consumption by incorporating recycled material in its postal, parcel and express services.

Source: CTT