How does it work?
The IPC Sprinter Network is a road transport network that carries priority letters to ensure that it is received in a timely manner. The Sprinter Network is a single transport network with eight posts (Österreichische Post, bpost, Le Groupe La Poste, Poste Italiane, POST Luxembourg, PostNL, Swiss Post and Royal Mail Group), providing the best fares in the market and a high quality of service, centralised management and monitoring by IPC.
IPC monitors and assesses the performance of the network with its IPC CAPE reporting and monitoring system. Transponders attached to the vehicles transmit tracking data, which is detected by IPC’s RFID network at each Office of Exchange. IPC feeds tracking events into IPC’s CAPE Vision, which allows to assess performance and to report back to participating postal operators.
IPC continuously analyses all the available reports and proposes opportunities for expanding the network for current or potential new users.
- Allows participating posts to save costs
Allows for timely delivery despite reduced air transport capacity with higher reliability
Facts & figures
- More than 30 Offices of Exchange served
- Eight European countries served
- Several postal operators that send and receive mail: Österreichische Post, bpost, Le Groupe La Poste,Poste Italiane, POST Luxembourg and PostNL. Swiss Post and the Royal Mail Group only receive mail
- On average, 60 tonnes of mail is being transported per week, with additional routes constantly being explored
- Launched in 2005 as an alternative to reduced air transport capacity, the Spinter Network has since contributed in solving capacity and reliability issues on air transport and ensuring major flexibility in operations for participating postal organisations
More information
To find out more about the IPC Sprinter Network contact [email protected].