How does it work?
The IPC MRD provides a complete view over handover processes between posts and airlines at both origin and destination, enabling seamless visibility from outbound post to inbound post. The device is installed by postal operators at the point where handlers from the airlines deliver postal containers to the postal staff and/or where postal staff hand over mail consignments to airlines, which usually takes place at the entrance of the air mail units at the airport.
The MRD consists of a touchscreen terminal, a scanner, a label printer and technical infrastructure to manage the data produced.
Two separate and independent processes can be registered through an MRD: the delivery of mail consignments at destination (Proof Of Delivery - POD MRD) and the handover of mail consignments at origin (Proof of Custody - POC MRD).
Origin: at origin, the post scans receptacle IDs into handover equipment which is later staged for collection. The airline or handler records the transfer of custody at origin of each individual receptacle by a single scan of the nest/equipment ID using the POC MRD.
Destination: at destination the carrier attaches an MRD-created nest ID label to handover equipment after recording delivery at POD MRD (one scan per delivered handover unit). The post scans the IDs taken out of handover equipment delivered by the airline. Data is collected and consolidated by IPC. IPC then issues a Proof Of Custody and/or a Proof Of Delivery for the airline. This consolidation process allows for all stakeholders to receive Proof Of Custody/Delivery information at receptacle level, even if the registration process by the handler is only expected to take place at equipment level. IPC shares the consolidated data with everyone, free of charge, in order to ensure full visibility over the handover process.
- Increased visibility and accountability for all parties
- Provides clear data to identify operational improvement opportunities
- Improves end to end transit times
MRD coverage
Thirty-five locations are covered with POD MRD solutions (see map) and over ten airports are equipped with POC MRD solutions, with geographical coverage growing continuously.. Click here to download a high-resolution version of the image below.
MRD video

More information
Are you a carrier or handler? Are you interested in increasing your ability to provide mail handover information in multiple airports? Or do you want to benefit from our operational data? Contact us at [email protected].