The reached negotiation result for both contracts spans four years, with the fourth year being a so-called option year. The current contract periods end on 31 October 2021 and 31 January 2022.
“Posti has been on a challenging path of change for a long time. Responsible, well-managed and cooperative actions will enable a successful change. Managing to find a shared direction is a significant step, for which I would like to thank the negotiation parties. Having established terms of employment and industrial peace for several years to come allows us to build trust and create a future together with our personnel and customers,” says Timo Koskinen, Senior Vice President, Human Resources for Posti Group.
The collective agreements entering into force still require the negotiation results to be approved by the administrations of the unions, after which we will provide further details about the agreements. The Palta administration will convene during the summer and the PAU Board of Directors will process the negotiation result in August, after the union meeting.
Source: Posti