Electricity constitutes the second-highest source of CO₂ due to the amount needed to power all production equipment. In previous years some work has been done to implement LED in all of the bigger 8 terminals and almost all the hubs. The next two hubs (Thisted and Bornholm) will be ready by summer 2022. For the remaining smaller buildings, the switch to LED is done only when traditional light bulbs break. When this happens, the whole building then switches to LED. This ensures a continuous good business case and low environmental impact associated to the installation.
PostNord buys only certified green energy, but the implementation of LED lighting allows to save approximately 96,000 kWh every year. The combination of CTS and LED allows the company to have an overview of its electricity consumption and ensure highly efficient energy management, making it a forerunner in Denmark.
The efficiency varies according to each terminal. For the parcel terminal in Stokagervej, a reduction of 16% has been observed between Q1 2021 and Q1 2022. In Nordigesvej where there is no production and less lighting is needed, there has been a reduction of 41% of overall electricity use during the same period.