In an effort to better safeguard the environment and also the wellbeing of its workforce, CTT Correios de Portugal has launched the ‘Drivers’ Challenge’ initiative. The project aims to promote sustainable driving among its employees, by encouraging behavioural change through an incentives based approach.
Approximately 4,500 drivers from the postal operator’s delivery and operations fleets are ranked according to data compiled on a daily basis in relation to fuel consumption, accident rates and levels of customer satisfaction. The 36 best scoring units send two representatives to participate in regional field trial competitions. Rewards for top-performing teams include entry into the IPC Drivers’ Challenge.
Now in its second year, the multi-year ‘Drivers’ Challenge’ initiative is already delivering strong results from an environmental, health and safety (EHS) perspective. The best performing teams achieved fuel consumption reductions of up 16%, corresponding to potential savings of €700,000 per annum. This improved fuel efficiency has the potential to lower CTT’s CO2 emissions by approximately 1,700 tonnes each year. From a health and safety standpoint, driving accidents have previously resulted in 12,000 lost working days per year, with an estimated monetary cost of €1m per year. Thanks to the rollout of this scheme, CTT Correios de Portugal expects to see an annual reduction in accident rates by as much as 5%.